Church Leaders Meeting
28 February @ 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Dig Deeper into 1&2 Kings
with Rev Dr Andrew Sach
Andrew Sach has recently completed a popular-level book on 1 & 2 Kings and will be helping us think about how to approach this part of the Old Testament in our preaching.
Although the story of Israel’s exile is bleak, and resonates with us in times of spiritual crisis, Andrew will also show us the narrator’s sense of humour and some surprising ways in which he points to the hope of a Saviour to come.
Andrew is co-Pastor of Grace Church, Greenwich, in London and a tutor on The Cornhill Training Course. He lives at zero longitude with a big coffee machine with which he attempts to pour nice shapes into his coffee with steamed milk, and with Gustave, a hyperactive cocker spaniel. He (Gustave?) is a regular conference speaker and has co-written the Dig Deeper series, Pierced for our Transgressions and most recently Are you 100% sure you want to be an agnostic? He co-hosts Grace Pod, an expository podcast.
Church leaders are invited to bring along their staff team and leaders of their ministry teams, including elders and small group leaders to join us for a morning of Bible Teaching, prayer, song and mutual support and encouragement.
A number of our leaders stay to catch up and pray with each other after the meeting, you are welcome to join them.
If you would like lunch (£3.50 payable on the day) then please let Sara know when you book your place.