Planting, Revitalising and Strengthening Local Churches

The purpose of the North West Gospel Partnership (NWGP) is that “We work toward local churches proclaiming Christ in every community in the North West for the glory of God”. To help us fulfil our purpose, we work together to plant, revitalise and strengthen local churches.

Church Planting

As a Partnership we recognise that churches, not organisations, plant churches. However, we aim to provide a network of intentional, focussed, collaboration and support to encourage and stimulate our churches to plant. To reach the millions of people in our region, there is a great need for many new churches to be planted.

If you are interested in attending a meeting, being part of this collaboration or receiving information in relation to church planting, do get in touch with our administrator.

Church Revitalisation

As a Partnership we recognise that individuals, not organisations, revitalise churches. However, we aim to provide a network of intentional, focussed, collaboration and support to encourage and stimulate our leaders and churches in the work of revitalising local churches in our region. To reach the millions of people in our region, there is a great need for the revitalisation of churches in the North West.

If you are interested in attending a meeting, being part of this collaboration or receiving information in relation to church revitalisation, do get in touch with our administrator.

Church Strengthening

As a Partnership we recognise that keeping on keeping on in gospel ministry is not easy. We need mutual encouragement and support to help us stay faithful and we need wisdom and discernment in seeking to communicate the gospel within a rich, varied and complex culture.

We therefore help each other to:

  • Persevere:  To encourage gospel-centred churches maintain gospel faithfulness
  • Mature: To pursue growth in Christ-likeness as Christians and local churches
  • Train: To raise up and equip more workers in the harvest field

As part of this programme we have more specialised and focussed leaders meetings and training days planned.