The Buzz (8-11 year olds)
26 May - 30 May

Please do be thinking and praying about joining as a leader, either helping with activities or in the kitchen. More leaders means that we can accept more young people from our waiting list.
This year The Buzz will be running at 2 venues! Qunita Centre, Shropshire and Dallam School Milnthorpe
During The Buzz, which ever venue you chose, there will be games of every variety; ball games, wet games, dry games, indoor games, outdoor games, fast games, slow games, team games and games that you’ll probably only ever play at The Buzz! And if that wasn’t enough there are indoor crafts and activities so exciting that it’ll leave you breathless. And don’t forget the on-site tuck shop and bookstall!
There will also be time to look at the Bible and hear about the best news ever – Jesus. We’ll do this through short talks, small groups and time to just chat and ask any questions.
Both venues have everything you could want, from chillout space to a outdoor activities; games room to camp fire. Oh and did we mention the food! Yum!!
The leaders are all volunteers from local churches, dedicated to giving you the best time possible and sharing with you the greatest news ever!