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Identity: Who am I? (week 3)

29 March @ 9:30 am - 12:00 pm

This 3 week course is offered over 3 Saturday mornings by the North West Gospel Partnership and is for all Christians who live around Carlisle and the North of the North West who are interested in the fundamental issue of identity to understand the issues that affect us all today. The course is taught by Rev. Dr. Rohintan Mody, the Director of the North West Gospel Partnership and will involve teaching from the Bible, time for questions, and fellowship.

Title: Identity:Who am I ? The  key issue of today is that of identity. This fundamental question influences our views of race, nationality, gender, sexuality, education, politics, wealth, and ethics. We as Christians need to know what God in the Bible says about identity. This course will explore the issue from the Bible.

15th March – Week 1: What is a human being? This session will look at how God created humanity in his image and what it means for identity.

22nd March – Week 2: Who am I? This session will explore what it means to have an identity shaped by union with Christ.

29th March – Week 3: How then should we live? This session will explore key issues like sexuality, gender, race, politics, abortion, and euthanasia , and how Christians should respond to these issues of identity.

£15 for 3 weeks

Book here


Identity @ St John the Evangelist

Delegate Name 1

Church Name


29 March
9:30 am - 12:00 pm


St Johns Carlisle
St Johns the Evangelist
Carlisle, CA1 2HA United Kingdom
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