Latest Update


St John’s Houghton and St Peter’s Kingmoor, Carlisle (Andrew Towner)

  • Please give thanks for the funds raised to appoint a new Associate Minister on Gary Tubbs’ retirement this Summer, and pray for the practical details, housing etc for that person.
  • Pray for wisdom and faithfulness within the Church of England as we seek to stand for Jesus in a Christ-like manner. We’re so thankful for many faithful sisters and brothers standing together in love for Jesus and his Word.

Carlisle Baptist Church (Nathan Coleclough)

  • Praise God for his many blessings… the consequence of which are many challenges around space and how we organise our meetings. We need to think carefully as Members and Elders around the next steps we take. A new building would be great but seems unattainable currently, therefore we’re looking towards multiple gatherings and redevelopment opportunities.
  • Please lift up Peter Walkingshaw, as he’s currently away on Sabbatical. Pray that this time would be rejuvenating, refreshing, and an opportunity to refocus his heart around gospel truths, out of the spotlight of ministry.

Hope Church, Ambleside (Simon Gregory)

  • Give thanks for the open door we have at Ambleside Primary School, and the opportunity for me to take regular assemblies. Pray this would lead to young lives being captivated by Jesus and won for Him and to fruitful connections with families in Ambleside and surrounding area.
  • Praise God for people’s generosity in supporting us and helping us to be in a position to move from Kendal to Pray for God’s provision of a suitable place to live, that we’d be able to move smoothly and quickly so we can become more involved in the community.

 Parr St Church, Kendal (Paul Baxendale)

  • Give thanks for the 5 people we recently baptised. Pray that they’ll be assured of Jesus’ love for them and keep living their lives in Him.
  • Pray for wisdom, faithfulness and courage as we plan and work to plant a church in Shap (an isolated and spiritually dry part of Cumbria) and that the Lord would raise up workers for this harvest field.
  • Pray for our upcoming Quiz Night on 28th June – for good numbers, a warm, clear and engaging presentation of the gospel and for the lost to be found.

Bethany Church, Ulverston (Matt Rich)

  • Please join us in thanking the Lord for 3 new people joining our church recently (for a small congregation that’s more than 10% extra!). Please would you pray that someone joins soon who is able to carry some of the responsibility for music leading.
  • Please join us in thanking the Lord for the success we have had in previous Dickensian Festivals that has raised the profile of the church as active in the town and caused people to come to various events we run. Please would you pray that we would have the right plan for this year’s Dickensian Festival weekend.
  • Please join us in thanking the Lord for the 4 members we now have who are in their 20s (we have an elderly congregation). Please pray that they would feel able to carry more of the load and that more of this age group would now visit, see them involved and want to join us in the work of the Gospel in Ulverston.

Robin Ham/St Paul’s Barrow

  • We’re thankful to God for three adults who were baptised at Easter – please pray for their ongoing discipleship in these early weeks.
  • We’re thankful to God for a new baby & toddler group at St Paul’s called The Harbour. The first three weeks have been really popular and one mum has already started coming to church with her little one.

St Mary’s Walney Island and St John’s Barrow Island (Stuart Silk)

  • Thanks: For calling us to Cumbria – we are delighted to be here, having moved from the south coast  in April 2023.
  • St Mary’s, Walney Island: Moving the dial towards gospel priorities in a church that has been quite middle of the road for a long time.
  • St John’s, Barrow Island: Wisdom about the future as the congregation is small and the building is getting beyond its useful life.

St Mark’s Barrow (Tony Ford)

  • Praise – St Mark’s Church Barrow is going well with numbers increasing slightly. Chaplaincy at Barrow Raiders RL (men’s team, 2 ladies teams and an academy team) going well and great relationships with players/coaching staff. Chaplaincy at BAE Nuclear submarine plant is extremely exciting, over 13k staff and growing to 17k. Great contact with apprentices, graduates, naval staff and general workforce and management
  • Prayer – Time management with BAE being added to workload. Need for extra staff to support ministry at St Marks, enable links to BAE Portland Walk which is about to add around 500 staff and develop chaplaincy there and in the town centre. Also pressures on time to attend training at Barrow ladies teams. 

Moorlands Church Lancaster (Danny Rurlander)

  • TEACHING: Pray that we would willing listeners with soft hearts ready to be challenged and changed by God’s word. Pray for our students starting a new series on sex, marriage, dating and gender on Sunday nights. Pray for changed minds, hearts and lives.
  • EVANGELISM: Give thanks for our recent “Real Hope Mission Month” – that many people heard the gospel of real hope. Pray that the seed of the word would not be taken away and they would come back to hear more. Give thanks for the opportunity to baptise new believers in June: pray that this will be encouraging evidence of the gospel at work at the end of year on heightened evangelism.
  • BUILDING FOR GROWTH PROJECT: Give thanks for progress on the Building project. Pray for God to provide the remaining money to complete this phase of the project, including the money needed for AV and chapel refurbishments and the new kitchen.Pray that these buildings would enable the flourishing of our ministry to one another and that they would give us new ways of reaching people in our city with the life-giving message of Jesus.

Church By the Bay, Morecambe (Ben Peterson)

  • give thanks for the Lord’s kindness to the church; especially for elders who have laboured well in preaching and teaching!
  • Pray for appointment of Steve Sammons as Assistant Pastor come September; for remaining fundraising; and staff dynamics as the team changes!
  • For me: pray for our move to Trinity Church Chester, and beyond that for plans to plant a church in Buckley, Flintshire; for the Lord to provide people for a team, and £££ to run it! Pray for grace for the family during the move

Village Church, Isle of Man (Cedric)


  • Some leaders from the NWGP pray regularly with us over Zoom. We thank God and them that they are willing to do this. Your association with us is important as being on an island is quite isolating.
  • A team from NWGP churches has offered to come for a few days to help with our event at the Royal Agricultural Show (August 9-10). We are grateful that they are willing to give their time and gifts. We are thankful that we were able to book accommodation for them in a busy holiday period.
  • Conversations with our friends and neighbours. Each of our team of three has deepening relationships with non-Christian relatives, neighbours and friends.
  • The Lord meets with us when we meet together to hear his word on Sundays and when we work through the New City Catechism on Wednesdays. Our own Christian walk has benefited.

Prayer requests

  • Keeping going is often a hard slog. Should we keep going? What could we be doing differently? It would be good to see some change coming from the hand of God to show us that it is not merely us driving things.
  • For more meaningful conversations with our non-Christian contacts.
  • We are not well known. Perhaps we need a more public venue than our current meeting place.
  • We can use more workers! Others with different experience and more energy could perhaps do what we are not.
  • The Royal Show will be a great opportunity to meet families. The past two years we have been at the Southern Agricultural Show and we were a popular attraction. May this happen at the Royal Show and may we not lose those contacts but have family-friendly activities to follow on (and the people to help us!)


All Hallows, Bispham, Blackpool (Johnny Lee)

  • Pray for Mark Wooding starting as associate minister for community outreach later in the month, for him and his girls to settle in well, to be well received by the church family and for making a great start in developing our evangelism.
  • Pray for fringe families to be clearly converted and growing in discipleship
  • Pray for sustaining and healing of a number of our key lay leaders

 Beacon Church in Ashton (Antony Billington)

  • Thanks to God for a positive season coming out of Covid – the church seems in good heart with an increase in numbers (mostly disaffected anglicans joining us) and a vibrant work with children
  • Pray for wisdom for decisions and actions around our building (not ours). We are pretty much at capacity and are exploring options for the future
  • Pray for ongoing love and unity among us as we make decisions around issues going forward (related to the building, a possible new paid person, and other issues)
  • Pray for God’s blessing on our outreach activities in Ashton

 Layton Community Church (Mark Walters, Dave Lewis)

  • Give thanks that our first ever Easter holiday bible club resulted in over 40 children hearing the gospel over 4 days. Most families came to church last Sunday. Please pray for lasting fruit – that positive relationships with families will be established and for new life in Jesus.
  • Give thanks for a growing congregation, particularly with Internationals who are working in the healthcare sector. Please pray for wisdom in how to draw people on the fringe into mainstream church life – that they will grow in godliness and love for Jesus.
  • Please pray for God’s leading as we seek to add to our leadership team (Elders & Deacons & Trustees) in the months ahead. Pray for people to be willing to ‘step up’ and for the Lord to bring suitable people who can be the leaders of the future. 

 St Andrew’s Ashton (James Nash)

  • Give thanks for all our Easter Services; for happy times remembering God’s goodness to us in Christ and the life we have in him; please pray for unbelievers who heard something about Jesus, that the Spirit would be at work in them.
  • Please pray for plans for the new term; we’re going to be teaching through Joshua on Sunday mornings (sermons and Junior Church) and working through “You’re not Crazy” in Home Groups, focussing on cultivating a deep gospel culture across church family life.
  • Please pray for our incoming Curate, Phil, and his family. Give thanks that the diocese have found them a house in the parish; please pray for provision of school places for their two older children and for all the preparations they need to make as they move up from London.
  • Give thanks for all our ministry among children and young people and for the numbers we have coming along week by week; please pray for preparations, logistics and wisdom as we turn our youngest Junior Church Group (0-4s) into two new groups (0-2s & 3s/4s).

St Andrew’s Church Leyland (David Whitehouse, Paul Davies)

  • Saturday 20th April – Women’s Day Away – pray for a good day of fellowship and growth as Hannah Fox comes to teach 50-60 women from our church family
  • Tuesday 16th April – New Griefshare course starting – pray this will reach those who are coping with loss and bereavement with the life giving news of Jesus.
  • Pathway to ministry – pray for those testing gifts in Christian ministry and pray that we would increasingly see people sent into full time training and longterm ministry roles.

St Simon & St Jude with All Souls (Andy Liggins)

  • Please pray we disciple new Christians well; pray they’d be good soil who produce a great harvest.
  • Pray for wisdom in leading St Simon’s – knowing the next steps to take regarding the Church of England; appointing our first paid staff members; and making the most of the gospel opportunities we have.
  • Pray for an increasing humility and dependence upon God as a church family. We have our annual vision Sunday/APCM on Sunday 21st April, where we’ll be digging into what it means to be a church that grows in this and avoids just “doing things”. Pray for Andy as he speak on Psalm 127v1.

St Paul’s Ansdell and Fairhaven (Paul Bye)

  • Those who came to our Easter Invitation service – that the Lord would draw them to himself, and for opportunity to follow them up after Easter.
  • For our curate and his family as they prepare to move in the early summer to the Midlands for Kyle to take up leadership of a church there.
  • For opportunity for Paul to take a ‘retreat’ in April to refresh himself in the Lord and spend some time planning for patterns in the next stage of St Paul’s life.


The Buzz – Tuesday 28th May to Friday 31st May 2024

  • That we’d be able to take more children from the waiting list, and that we wouldn’t leave many disappointed.
  • That we’d have just the right team of leaders and cooks.
  • That all planning and prep would go smoothly, and that we wouldn’t neglect anything.


Annual Conference Prayer points


  • For plans to plant a church in Buckley, Flintshire to come together to launch in 2025.
  • For people to join a launch team.
  • For the Lord to provide money to fund it.


  • Please pray that our ministers meetings will be good times of encouragement and prayer and would be valuable in terms of strengthening for those in ministry.
  • Pray for the Fortify leaders training day on March 9th, for leaders, volunteers and parents as they come along that it would be a day of great encouragement, and teaching to help equip people as they share the truth of Jesus with the children and young people in their care. 


  • For leaders for the 3 residentials The Buzz, Quinta and The Vibe, For planning and preparation for them, for the teaching, activities and organisation
  • Give thanks for Sound, and the young people coming, pray that these times together would be good at building them up in their faith, growing their love for Jesus and helping them meet and get to know other Christians in the North West.
  • Pray for the next Sound event on March 22nd, at St John’s Hartford.


  • Give thanks for students.
  • Pray for all teaching this term. 3.
  • Pray for more students in 24-25.


St Andrew’s Livesey, Blackburn

  • Thanks: for the Lord bringing visitors to our Christmas events, who seemed to enjoy them
  • Thanks: for the start of a Sunday morning creche yesterday, and willing volunteers to staff it
  • Thanks: for door-knocking leading to a few Sunday visitors in Nov-Dec
  • Please: for Sticky Fingers (tots group) mums to come on Sundays – currently none have done.
  • Please: for dinners after church to work well for welcoming in, and building relationships.
  • Please: for a “Taking a Look” course, and for those attending

Christ Church Blackburn

  • Thanks for unexpected additions to our church family over the past year – and for a few conversions.
  • Please pray for good relationships to be built across the church family and for the small beginnings of Word One2One partnerships to grow over the coming months.
  • Pray for Haroon and Mariam Lal Din who are moving from Pakistan to Blackburn next month to lead our outreach to the South Asian community (in partnership with other churches)

St James Chorley

  • Thanks for sustaining over Christmas, and a good holiday
  • Pray for me and G as we parent to keep the big picture in view not just convenience and for us to be full of Grace. 
  • Pray for our apologetics Big Questions to grow midweek involvement at church
  • Pray for our youth to be gripped by Christ and not drift away


Benefice of the Redeemer, Blackburn


  • An encouraging number of Christmas events with a number of guests/non-Christians hearing the gospel.
  • People keen to serve at church and enjoying the Bible teaching.


  • Wisdom as we seek to pastorally care for church members
  • Gods guidance as we seek to look forward and develop a plan for the next 5 years.
  • Youth group as we do the Vox course
  • Cornhill Scotland mission team with us over half-term week – involved in holiday club, Sunday preaching, etc.

Withnell St James and Heapey St Barnabas

Pray for the appointment of new vicar

Coppull, Coppull St John’s

  • Give thanks for good attendance at services: particularly at Christmas, but also for good numbers and a good atmosphere at our regular services. 
  • Give thanks for two new attenders interested in Christianity Explored, and pray that God would open their eyes. 

St John’s Whittle-le-Woods, Clayton Brook

We had an encouraging first Sunday yesterday with Matthew 16:18. It’s a big prayer for us as we still have too few doing too much and all getting older. Lots of big things on with reordering, financial challenges, and the state of the CofE.

Benefice of Colne, St. Bartholomew and Holy Trinity

we’ve had quite a few new people come to faith. I’m praying for some evangelicals to come and join us, as we seek to change culture over the next decade or so…


·      City Church Manchester – for our elders over the next few months as we make plans for our next direct plant: location, planter etc.  Also we’re running an evangelism training track starting on Thursdays

·      Emmanuel Community Church, Stockport – Church plants in gospel deprived communities (which I’m assuming are many and diverse). Effective training of many more leaders (!) to resource mission across the city. Increasing catholicity amongst gospel-loving churches

·      Grace Church Manchester – prioritising evangelism of men. Resources to care for young adults and young families with complex pastoral care/mental health/ spiritual needs. Growing supportive working relationships across Grtr Mcr

·      Holy Trinity Platt – launching a 3rd TCC plant in January

·      St Clements Church, Manchester – for men to be converted. establishing of a Cantonese speaking bible study

·      Union Hall Evangelical Church – praying for more workers, lots of new faces again this term, but not enough workers to disciple them all.


  • Chris Pierce’s induction service at Christ Church Wharton is on the evening of Mon 16th. Please pray for him and for Christ Church as they begin a new phase in their church life and ministry.
  • Pray for increasing numbers of Hong Kongers joining churches, especially St John Hartford.
  • Give thanks for a lively group of ministers who meet together every month to catch up and pray for each other.
  • Give thanks for a new building for Emmanuel Leftwich, and pray that it is a real asset for the ministry of the church.

·        All Hallows Cheadle – Fisherman’s Tale story trail just finished

·        Christ Church Woodford – Good Book group, John’s gospel, Mondays & Wednesdays

·        Christchurch Stockport – Matt on sabbatical until the autumn, Light party

·       Fords Lane, Bramhall – Baptism class running, New arrivals lunch Nov 19th

·       St Andrews Cheadle Hulme – Ageing congregation, Mens breakfast Sat 21, Galatians series (am), ‘Reading & Teaching the Bible’ (pm)

·       St Chads Handforth – English conversation classes

·       St Cuthberts Cheadle – Ian is new in post

·       St George’s Poynton – Men’s breakfasts planned to start

·       St John’s Knutsford – Confirmation & adult baptism Sunday 26th Nov

·       St John’s Lindow – New ministry trainee Alex Choi, Christianity Explored just started, Integration of HK families

·       St Luke’s Holmes Chapel – New Toddler group started

·       St Mary’s Cheadle – Alpha
course just started, Light Party, Murder Mystery Youth Halloween alternative


    • ·   Central Church Warrington – Pray for the pastor Mark and his wife Sarah who are managing a growing church with few resources. Pray for unity as a church and for the church family to care well for each other.

      ·      Trinity Church Everton – make the most of 10th anniversary, pray for people who are coming regularly to gospel events to be converted

      ·      Orel Park Baptist – As the team settles in from Cornerstone, pray for unity and for new people to be converted.

      ·      Ebenezer Chapel – Recently appointed a womens worker, a completely new role, pray she settles in quickly

      ·       Aigburth Community Church – pray for wisdom and the right applicant as the seek to appoint a new pastor

      ·      Bridge Chapel – pray for plans to train up more leaders

      ·      Speke Baptist – pray for them to keep on striving together for the gospel

      ·       Village Church Formby- pray for a bigger building, they have more kids coming now and things are a bit of a squeeze. Pray for an ideal
      location/building to rent and the money needed.

      ·      St Philemons – For wisdom to navigate the church through LLF and make plans for the future

      ·      Christ Church LIverpool – Pray for wisdom and Gods provision as they seek a mid week base due to the sale of 2 Blackburne Place

      ·      Bank Hall Mission – as they consider appointing staff

We have also created a feed on the app PrayerMate. This will share the prayer requests of partnership churches to your smartphone.

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If you would like to add your prayer request to this Prayer Wall, please contact Sara and she will send you instructions.